
Introduction to Space Geodesy

by Julia S.

What are the methods of GNSS Remote Sening?

  • Atmospheric sounding (measures the vertical structure of the atmosphere, providing data on temperature, pressure, humidity, and other variables at different altitudes)

    • ground-based (measurements are made using instruments located on the Earth's surface and receiving GNSS satellite signals, i.e. radiosondes, GNSS ground stations, and weather radars; GNSS ground stations measure i.e. the Zenith Total Delay ZTD and the Integrated Water Vapor IWV; limited to lower atmosphere, high resolution but less coverage)

    • satellite-based (measurements are made from satellites orbiting Earth, providing global coverage and data across different altitudes, including remote areas like oceans and polar regions; lower resolution but global coverage)

      • GNSS Radio Occultation (Low-Earth-Orbit satellite receives signal from a GNSS satellite like GPS/BeidOu/whatever; during the travel from the GNSS satellite to the LEO-satellite the signal bends due to changes in air density, temperature, and water vapor and then the bend & delay can be analzyed which gives info about: Temperature, pressure, humidity, and electron density); examples for LEO-satellites are: CHAMP, Grace, Metop - also an advantage: radio signals can penetrate clouds!

  • Reflectometry: relatively new method, uses GNSS signal that are reflected from the ground and picked up by specialized receivers (on the ground or in the atmosphere); can be used to monitor the ocean. i.e. the rise of sea levels or the roughness of the ocean, land surface monitoring as i.e. the soil moisture and climate studies as for example studying the ice sheet dynamics

  • Scatterometry: works similar to Reflectometry but uses signals that are scattered; this scattering happens when signals interact with rough or complex surfaces like ocean waves or forest canopies; considers diffuse scattering, where signals are scattered in multiple directions due to surface irregularities; can be used i.e. to analyze ocean wind speed & direction (ocean surfaces appear “rougher” with higher wind speeds, which scatters the signals)

How can GNSS Remote Sensing be used to monitor natural disasters?

  1. GPS-Radio Occulation can be used to improve hurricane forecasts; radio signals can penetrate clouds and precipitation so it works in every weather condition, it has a high vertical resolution and are not affected by instrument biases which makes them highly accurate!

  2. GNSS Reflectometry

    • GNSS signals reflected from ocean surfaces are analyzed to estimate wind speeds and directions.

    • The roughness of the ocean surface (caused by winds) modifies the reflected signals.

    Application in Hurricanes:

    • Helps in tracking wind speeds over oceans, a critical factor in hurricane intensity prediction.

    • Missions like CYGNSS (Cyclone GNSS) specifically monitor tropical cyclones, providing frequent updates on ocean winds and surface conditions.

  3. GNSS is also highly effective for tsunami detection, monitoring, and forecasting, both through direct measurements and by supporting other observational techniques. Here’s an overview of GNSS-based methods for dealing with tsunamis:

    1. GNSS-Based Sea Level Monitoring

    How it Works:

    • Coastal GNSS stations detect changes in sea surface height by measuring vertical land motion and comparing it with sea level changes.

    • GNSS-equipped buoys in the ocean measure sea level changes directly.

    Application in Tsunamis:

    • Tsunamis are preceded by abrupt changes in sea level due to underwater earthquakes or landslides.

    • GNSS-based observations can detect these changes in real time, providing critical early warning signals.

    2. GNSS Reflectometry (GNSS-R) for Ocean Monitoring

    How it Works:

    • GNSS-R uses reflected GNSS signals from the ocean surface to measure sea level and wave characteristics.

    • Anomalies in sea surface elevation or wave patterns can indicate a tsunami.

    Application in Tsunamis:

    • Monitors ocean surface changes far from land, detecting tsunamis soon after they are triggered.

    • GNSS-R can complement traditional tsunami buoys (like DART) by providing additional spatial coverage.

What are the Positioning techniques of GNSS?

Absolute Positioning: Determines receiver’s position directly with respect to a global reference frame such as WGS84, using only the signals received from satellites.

  • Single Point Positioning (SPP) using pseudo-ranges from code-phase measurements. Requires no external correction data - easy to implement but less accurate due to uncorrected biases & errors, typically an accuracy between 10-30m. Used in Navigation where high accuracy isn’t critical (recreational/handheld GPS devices)

  • Precise Point Positioning (PPP), requiring accurate satellite clock and orbit data; uses code- and carrier-phase measurements combined with correction data for satellite clocks and orbits; removes/models atmospheric effects, accuracy: sub-meter to centimeter-level, depending on processing. Applications: Surveying, geodesy, precise navigation

Relative Positioning: compares position of “rover” receiver (which position needs to be determined) with a “reference” receiver at a known location

  • Requires a known reference station and a rover station.

  • Techniques:

    • Static: Both receivers are stationary, collect data over a long time period. Highest precision (mm to cm accuracy), long observation times. Used for geodetic surveys and tectonic plate monitoring

    • Rapid Static: Like static, but shorter observation periods (minutes)

    • Kinematic: Continuous tracking for moving receivers. Accuracy typically 10 cm, used for vehicle tracking and dynamic surveys.

    • "Stop-and-Go": Combines static and kinematic methods, receiver stops at each point to collect static data, then goes to the next point. 3-5cm accuracy

    • Real-Time Kinematic (RTK): High-accuracy carrier-phase-based trelative positioning technique, requires a reference station transmitting corrections to the rover; both receivers must track the same satellites.

What are GNSS Augmentation Systems? List some of them.

Augmentation systems improve GNSS performance by correcting errors in satellite signals, such as:

  • Satellite orbit and clock inaccuracies

  • Atmospheric delays (ionospheric and tropospheric effects)

  • Multipath errors (signal reflections)

  • Instrumental biases

They are particularly useful in applications where high accuracy and reliability are critical, such as aviation, precision farming, surveying, and autonomous navigation.

There are space-based (SBAS) and ground-based (GBAS) augmentation systems.

  1. SBAS: Broad coverage over a wide area, useful for applications like aviation where users are distributed across large regions. Examples: WAAS (US), EGNOS (Europe), MSAS (Japan), GAGAN (India). Uses geostationary (orbital speed matches earth rotation -> appears to remain fixed in the same position) satellites to broadcast correction signals. Therefore SBAS is limited to areas within the footprint of geostationary satellites. Also requires SBAS-compatible receivers

  2. GBAS: Focused on specific areas, ideal for applications requiring very high accuracy, like landing planes at airports. Use local ground reference stations typically for a limited area. Example: LAAS (primarily for aviation, approach & lansding). Is limited to local coverage and infrastructure-dependent.

    1. Differential GNSS (DGNSS); involves ground reference stations that compute corrections and transmit them to users in real-time, can use code-phase & carrier-phase corrections. Is widely used, i.e. in marine navigation. Limited coverage based on reference station network & Communication link required between reference station and rover

Explain the single-step methods of orbit integration. What are the advantages of single-step methods?

There are 2:

  • Euler method

  • Runge-Kutta methods

The advantages of single-step methods are:

  • easy to use

  • In every step a new step size can be used: well suited for functions with rapid changes (which is usually not the case for satellite orbits)

Euler method: Start with known values (t0, y0) and proceed with a time step of size h along the tangent to the graph of y.

y(t0 + h) = y0 + h * f(t0, y0) where h is the step size and f(t,y) the function describing the changing rate of y.

The method is only first-order accurate and errors grow with step size h, which is why it needs to be small.However, even with very small step sizes the errors are large if we follow the graph over several steps, and the small step sizes increase the compuational effort.

Therefore, the Euler Method is not of practical use.

Runge-Kutta Methods: These methods consider additional intermediate point within each step. The classical method is the Runge-Kutta 4th Order method or short “4th order method”. It evaluates only the function f and avoids the calculation of derivatives (e.g. in contrast to 4th order Taylor polynomial). Instead, it uses a weighted mean of 4 slopes/tangents. 2 of the slopes are slopes at the start/end of the interval and 2 are slopes from midpoints.

This method is widely used for practical problems and easy to use.

The stepsize h depends on the satellite altitude due to the influence of the gravity field, so LEO would use sth like 5 seconds (CHAMP/GRACE) and MEO would use sth like 30s (GPS).

The runge kutta method is a single step method because all integration steps are independent and no use is made of function values calculated in earlier steps.

How can the Earth’s gravity field be approximated using Spherical Harmonics?

There are already formulas for calculating the gravitational potential of simple bodies like solid spheres:

V = GM/r

but Earth does have inhomogenities and therefore needs a better approximation.

To approximate the gravitational potential, polynomials (like ax + ax² etc.) are used.

Then, the equation is organzied by degree. For example, x² and xy have the degree of 2, y³x has the degree of 4.

But we don’t use just any polynomial for approximating, we use homogenous harmonic polynomials.

Harmonic in this case means that the function satisfies the Laplace equation deltaV = 0 (deltaV is the Laplace operator).

For a function to be harmonic, its value must "balance out." For example, if it's high in one spot, it must drop elsewhere to compensate. This property makes harmonic functions excellent for describing smooth things like gravity or temperature fields.

Homogenous means that all terms in a function have the same degree. Example: f = ax² + xy + y² + xz (all have degree 2). TO see the Himalean Plateau for example, we need a degree of 30.

The gravitational potential is then an infinite sum of these harmonic polynomials, so that each polynomial captures more and more detail about the gravitational field. The higher the degree n is, the more detailed but also more complex the model is.

Each of these harmonic polynomials is represented as a linear combination of m linear independent base functions Hnm.

While these are great for 3D variations, we want the equations to be restricted to the surface of a sphere, and as such only be dependant on the latitude (theta) and longitude (lambda) - r is constant.

Therefore, the general harmonic polynomials H needs to be transformed into the base function Y. This is done by switching to spherical coordinates and neglecting the radial component (this is for variations with distance, so not only on the surface).

Further splitting the equations up, Y can be expressed as being a combination the base functions C and S, which again are expressed by the Legendre function P multiplied by sin(l) or cos(l).


Julia S.


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