habit formation
“listen and repeat”
audiolingual method
Chomsky: “Universal grammar” & “Language acquisition device”
Krashen: “Comprehensible input”
mental processes -> use of learning strategies
Pienemann: “Processability Theory”
learning as individual process
emphasis on individual factors (autonomous learning)
Selinker: “Interlanguage Hypothesis”
Vygotsky: “Zone of proximal development” (motherese, teacherese, scaffolding)
= a state inbetween
-> teachers need to be aware of the fact that more time and repeated effort is needed to learn new vocab for productive use
(new vocab)
= objects, pictures, gestures, facial expressions, pointing, acting out
= synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, definition, explaining, example sentence
Explicit teaching
traditional teaching: rule -> practice -> production
Implicit teaching
using linguistic parameters to trigger (e.g. the sentence structure)
rule discovery
learning L2 from input only (immersion approach)
-> 1970’s = Communicative turn
since 1980’s: Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
real-life interaction as the goal of language teaching
face to face interaction
input, output in meaningful interaction, feedback
focus on learners, content and tasks
External Differentiation, Internal Differentiation & Individualization
= response to the heterogeneity of learners
differentiation into school types
differentiation into courses
differentiation by school profile (e.g. sciences, languages)
decisions made for the classroom
offers & requires a high degree of flexibility and openness
most extreme type of internal differentiation (e.g. different topics)
hardly feasible in our current school system
bottom-up and top-down processing
challenges for the efl classroom
goals, purposes, strategies
= constructing meaning by using linguistic knowledge
knowledge of the language (phonology, lexis, syntax…)
letters -> words -> sentences -> passages -> text
= constructing meaning by using paralinguistic knowledge (= non-linguistic)
knowledge a listener brings to the text (context)
prior knowledge, knowledge of the world, expectations, schemata
for gist (skimming) = general understanding
for specific information (scanning)
for detailed understanding (close reading)
to follow lines of argument (intensive reading)
for general understanding / fun (extensive reading)
speculating about text on the basis of title / cover / poster
researching background information on topic in text
watching film scene without sound and speculating about topic
taking notes on most important arguments / events
annotating text with personal reactions
visualising structure of a text with graphic organisers
creating a title for a text
annotating each paragraph with key word
writing a review / acting out a scene
Last changed23 days ago