Question 1: What is neural induction? Which mechanisms mediate neural induction?
Active induction via FGF (niewcoop center)
Permissive induction (bmp inhibitors)
Neural induction is the process by which ectodermal cells are instructed to develop into neural tissue. Mechanisms mediating neural induction include signals from the Spemann organizer, particularly the secretion of molecules like Noggin, Chordin, and Follistatin, which inhibit BMP signaling to promote neural fate.
Question 2: Please explain the mechanics of neurulation!
Neurulation involves the formation of the neural tube. Initially, the neural plate thickens, folds, and forms neural folds that converge and fuse at the dorsal midline, creating the neural tube. This process includes primary neurulation (folding) and secondary neurulation (cavitation in the caudal region).
Question 3: Does the neural anlage formed during neural induction have anterior or posterior CNS characteristics?
The neural anlage initially has anterior CNS characteristics, which are later "posteriorized" by signals like FGF, WNT, and retinoic acid.
Question 4: What are the fundamentally different forms of neurulation?
The two forms of neurulation are primary neurulation, where the neural plate folds to form the neural tube, and secondary neurulation, where a solid rod of cells forms and then hollows out to become the neural tube.
Question 5: Please explain the concept of planar and vertical signals in neural patterning!
Planar signals are distributed along the neural plate and influence patterning horizontally (e.g., WNT and FGF signals). Vertical signals are sent from underlying mesodermal structures (e.g., Shh from the notochord and BMP from the epidermis) to establish dorso-ventral patterning.
Question 6: Which roles does the so-called “Spemann Organizer” have in CNS development?
The Spemann Organizer induces neural tissue formation, patterns the neural axis, and secretes factors (e.g., Noggin, Chordin) that inhibit BMP signaling to specify neural ectoderm.
Question 7: Which mechanisms control dorso-ventral patterning in the spinal cord?
Shh from the notochord induces ventral characteristics, while BMPs from the roof plate specify dorsal characteristics. Gradients of these signals define the dorso-ventral axis.
Question 8: Please describe an experiment that identified a ventral signaling center in the spinal cord.
Transplanting a notochord near ectopic dorsal neural tissue induces ventral cell types (e.g., motor neurons), demonstrating the notochord's role as a ventral signaling center via Shh.
Question 9: Which mechanisms "posteriorize" the neural plate?
WNT, FGF, and retinoic acid signaling posteriorize the neural plate by suppressing anterior fates and promoting hindbrain and spinal cord development.
Question 10: How can you visualize WNT signals in vivo?
WNT signals can be visualized using reporter assays with WNT-responsive promoters driving fluorescent proteins, or by immunostaining for β-catenin, a WNT signaling mediator.
Question 11: Which organizing centers have been identified in the early CNS?
Key organizing centers include the Spemann organizer, the isthmic organizer (midbrain-hindbrain boundary), and the roof and floor plates.
Question 12: What happens when one transplants cells from the “isthmus” (mid-hindbrain boundary) into the diencephalon?
The transplanted isthmus induces midbrain and cerebellar structures in the diencephalon, demonstrating its role as an organizer.
Question 13: At what levels does the Midbrain-Hindbrain-Boundary Organizer control neural development?
It regulates regional identity, neuronal differentiation, and patterning through FGF8 and WNT signaling.
Question 14: Are there segmented regions in the brain? How is segmentation defined?
Yes, the hindbrain is segmented into rhombomeres, defined by distinct gene expression boundaries and lineage restriction.
Question 15: How can you determine experimentally that a region in the brain is segmented?
Labeling cells with lineage tracers and observing restricted migration patterns within segments, or analyzing segment-specific gene expression (e.g., Hox genes).
Question 16: Please explain the molecular mechanisms of retinoic acid signaling!
Retinoic acid binds nuclear RA receptors (RAR/RXR), which act as transcription factors to regulate gene expression, particularly Hox genes.
Question 17: How is the retinoic acid gradient established during neural pattern formation?
RA is synthesized in posterior regions and degraded by enzymes like CYP26A1 in anterior regions, creating a gradient.
Question 18: How does retinoic acid act on patterning the hindbrain?
RA regulates Hox gene expression to specify rhombomere identity in the hindbrain.
Question 19: What is “neurogenesis”?
Neurogenesis is the process by which neural progenitor cells differentiate into neurons.
Question 20: Please explain a molecular mechanism that selects those cells within a precursor domain in the CNS that will be able to develop into neurons.
Notch signaling maintains progenitor status by lateral inhibition, while reduced Notch activity in certain cells allows them to differentiate into neurons.
Question 21: Why do not all cells in a precursor domain become neurons at a given time point in development – and what will those cells be that do not undergo neurogenesis?
Notch signaling keeps some cells as progenitors, ensuring a balance between differentiation and proliferation. Non-neuronal cells can become glial cells or remain progenitors.
Question 22: How does the brain “grow”?
The brain grows through cell proliferation, the expansion of progenitor pools, neurogenesis, gliogenesis, and synaptic connections.
Question 23: Are there new neurons formed in the mammalian brain – and if so, where?
Yes, new neurons are formed in the hippocampus (dentate gyrus) and the subventricular zone.
Question 24: Please explain the constitution of a neural stem cell niche!
Neural stem cell niches include progenitors, supporting cells (e.g., astrocytes), vasculature, and extracellular matrix, providing signals that regulate stem cell behavior.
Question 25: Please explain how the identity of specific neurons is defined in the early nervous system and thus their specific differentiation.
Neuronal identity is defined by gradients of morphogens (e.g., Shh, BMP) and region-specific transcription factors that control gene expression.
Question 26: Can you organize the steps in neural development starting from the formation of their first neural tissue to simple neuronal circuits?
1. Neural induction
2. Neurulation
3. Regional patterning
4. Neurogenesis
5. Neuronal migration
6. Axon guidance
7. Synaptogenesis
8. Circuit formation
Question 27: Which fundamental mechanisms can guide axons to their targets?
Axons are guided by chemoattraction, chemorepulsion, contact attraction, and contact repulsion, mediated by molecules like netrins, semaphorins, slits, and ephrins.
Question 28: Please explain the proper formation of retino-tectal projections and the “retinotopic map”!
Retinal ganglion cells project to the tectum using gradients of ephrins and Eph receptors, which ensure spatially organized connectivity, creating a retinotopic map.
Last changed3 months ago