High performance team (HPT)
- Features
o Small number of people (2-10 ppl.)
o Complementary skills
Technical or functional expertise
Problem-solving and decision-making skills
interpersonal skills
o Common purpose and performance targets
o Common approach
o Mutual accountability
- Common work mode: SCRUM
SCRUM - Parts
- Product Backlog
- Sprint Backlog
- Sprints
SCRUM - Phases
- Sprint Planning
- Sprint
- Sprint Review
- Sprint Retrospective
SCRUM - Roles
- Scrum master
- Product owner
- Developers
Functional team (CO3RE2)
- Confidence
- No Conflicts
- Commitment
- Responsibilities
- Results
Reasons for disfunction
- Lack of trust
- Fear of conflict
- Lack of commitment
- Avoiding responsibilities
- Not paying attention to results
Advantages of teams
- Management of complex problems
- Faster
- Personal satisfaction
- Quality decisions
- Collective strength
Difference between group and team
- Goal
o Group: share information
o Team: group performance
o Group: Individuals
o Team: individual and mutually agreed
- Abilities and skills
o Group: random and diverse
o Team: complementary
Last changeda month ago