How does Jesus demonstrate his authority to “make the unclean clean,” thus opening the kingdom of God wide, even to Gentiles?
He heals and touches those who are made unclean by their illnesses.
He approaches and heals those who are afflicted with unclean spirits.
He ministers to Gentiles in unclean Gentile territory.
Which type of miracle bookends Act 2 of Mark?
Feeding a huge croud of people.
In Act 1 of Mark, what is something that Jesus does not have the authority to override?
The Law of Moses
Most of the healing miracles Mark recounts are related to what?
Jesus’ conflicts with demons
Which two aspects of Jesus’ identity are important for Mark (first hinted at in the inclusio of Act 1)?
Jesus as the King and Suffering Servant
Mark is written as a four-act drama. What describes act 2?
Jesus is pushed outside Galilee to the bordering Gentile areas. Here Jesus demonstrates his authority to make the unclean clean.
What is Mark’s main goal for his gospel?
To vividly take the mind of the reader to meet Jesus so we see who he is and what he has DONE
Which two words does Mark use very frequently in his gospel, which hint at his main goal?
And; immediately
What is a unique characteristic of Mark’s gospel, compared to the other three?
He includes a lot of colorful details to put a picture in the reader’s mind.
What is something that Mark is not?
An eyewitness to Jesus’ gosple.
Why is Act 3 of Mark referred to as “the way” section?
It describes Jesus on his last journey to Jerusalem, and his time teaching his disciples the true way of what it means to follow him.
Which miracles does Mark use for an inclusio in Act 3, which point to something Jesus is also trying to do for the disciples?
Giving the blind sight
In the book of Mark, which group does Mark never describe as believing in Jesus?
The disciples
What pattern does Jesus use three times when he predicts his coming death?
The prediction; the disciples don’t understand it; the cost of discipleship
An important theme in Mark’s gospel is that he wants the reader to understand WHY Jesus was crucified. What is his explanation of this?
Jesus was to absorb God’s wrath as a substitute for others.
What events are the climax of the book of Mark?
Jesus’ death and the empty tomb
What divine authority did Jesus claim when he arrived in Jerusalem?
The authority to indict and judge the temple officers and the entire religious regime
Mark “frames” the story of Jesus clearing the temple with another story. What is that story and its significance?
The cursing and withering of a fig tree, which symbolized fruitless Israel
How did Jesus respond to three challenges from three different religious factions?
With shrewdness and clarity, indicting the religious elite with his teachings in response
During the Passover meal when he celebrates with his disciples the night before his death, what do Jesus’ words and actions say about his death?
It is a covenant-ratifying death for the sins of others.
From which prophetic psalm does Mark quote, relaying Jesus’ words on the cross?
Psalm 22
What was significant about the temple curtains being ripped open at the time of Jesus’ death?
It signified how the barrier between God and humans had been opened up because of what Jesus did on the cross.
In the book of Mark, which human first recognizes that Jesus is the Son of God?
A Roman centurion
How does the book of Mark end?
On a cliffhanger with the women who discovered Jesus’ empty tomb
How can Christians have joy and comfort in the face of trials and persecution?
By remembering that God’s ultimate deliverance is coming
By casting all their cares on God
By hoping in their own resurrection and eternity with God
How does Peter characterize persecution?
As normal, purifying, and a cause for joy
As believers, what should shape our behavior?
The nearness of the day of salvation
Peter tells wives to submit to their husbands—even if their husbands aren’t Christian. On what does he base this instruction?
An understanding of who Christian wives are as God’s people
In what he says about _________ we see how Peter’s perspective and beliefs have changed from the Peter we met in the Gospel of Mark.
Jesus’ death
How are Christians to live as citizens in the world?
Free from sin to do good in the world
Peter wants his readers to see their sufferings and trials through the lens of what?
The words “elect,” “exile,” and “dispersion” refer to what group of people?
Abraham and the family of Israel
Peter goes back and forth between statements of truth and application. These can also be described as:
Indicatives and imperatives
What are the two themes of the first part of the letter?
Identity and hope
What issue is an undercurrent and context of the entire letter?
Peter relies heavily on Old Testament scripture in writing this letter. Why is this significant?
Peter’s readers were NOT Jewish, but Christians from pagan backgrounds.
Of all the books in the New Testament, only the books of Hebrews and Revelation rely on Old Testament scripture as much as 1 Peter does.
Peter wants his readers to anchor their identity in the family of Israel.
What is the theme of the book of 1 Peter?
How to maintain a firm identity and remain a strong witness of Jesus in a hostile watching world
What is the structure in which multiple themes are presented and then presented again in reverse order called?
A chiasm
What were the three examples did Peter use in 2 Peter 2 to demonstrate the error of the false teachers he condemns in the letter, and to make the point that they would eventually encounter God’s wrath?
Fallen angels
The world before the great flood
Sodom and Gomorrah
How does Peter describe the false teachers?
They are like irrational animals.
They are slaves of corruption.
They are like the pagan sorcerer Balaam.
What is the main heresy of the false teachers talked about in 2 Peter and Jude?
They deny the second coming of Jesus.
How does Peter refute the heresy of the false teachers talked about in 2 Peter and Jude?
By referring back to his own eyewitness experience with Jesus, when he caught a glimpse of God’s eternal kingdom
What can Christians do to help speed Christ’s return?
Join God in his global effort to bring the gospel to the nations, calling them to repentance and faith
What is the connection between the books of 2 Peter and Jude?
They contain many verses of parallel content, presented in a similar order.
Who was Jude?
A brother of Jesus and a leader of the Christian church in Jerusalem
Which three parallels from the Torah does Jude use to describe the ungodly people in the church?
What are the metaphors that Jude describes the ungodly people with? (Just get a few)
Hidden reefs
Selfish shepherds
Waterless clouds
Fruitless trees
Wild waves
Wandering stars (planets)
What is a pseudepigraphical text?
A book claimed to be written by someone it isn’t actually written by
What are the three ways Jude instructs his readers to keep themselves in the love of God?
Build themselves up in their holy faith (Past)
Pray in the Holy Spirit (Present)
Wait for the future mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ (Future)
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