What requirements should Buttons have?
Avoid sensor buttons w/o feedback
Light buttons on dark background
Contrast rich
Mat and non slippery surface
How is a Syndrome defined?
a), b)
a)Coincidence of several symptoms which are characteristic for a disease pattern.
b) Most often the reason for the disease is coherent, but the progression of the disease is unknown.
What are the important changes did the ICF implement over ICIDH?
disability -> activities, Handicap->participation - to deal with the in Reality more complex factors of Interaction.
What is Pantobraille:
combination of a haptic display and a one cell Braille display, moved over a virtual sheet by the reading person.
What is a “Keystroke Saving Rate”?
Number of stops necessary with conventional input vs. number of stops with predictive inoput
Whats the main task of screenreader?
Intercept all informations that is sent from the computer on the screen in a suitable manner - use it for Braille display or speech synthesizer.
Cursor Manipulation (Screen mark which point on the display)
Raplace character with “full form”
Setting points in addition to the character displayed ar cursor position
Vibrate all or some points of the charakter displayed ar the cursor position
There are four possibilities to create accessibility of
technical equipment for disabled persons:
A product can be ...
• Accessible from the start (Universal Design)
• Made accessible by original/included accessories
• Made accessible with usual aids/tools (offered by third parties)
• Only made accessible by customer specific adaptation
· Should be ca. 100 cm above floor level mounted
· Avoid flicker- range from 3-80 Hz, can trigger seizures in people with epilepsy merely by looking (even with closed eyes). Most critical frequencies is 20 HZ.
· Must be operable also with only one hand, Force requirement <22N, Labelling clear, Logical arrangement, Turning the wrist shall be not required
· Should follow usual conventions (On (up), Off (down), Warm (left), Cold (right)
· Heads on rotary switches should have clear markings (visual and tactile) for their position
· If scales are required, they should be on the housing
· The convention of turning clockwise to increase value, should be maintained
Optical augmentative vision aids (magnifier)
1. Reduction of distance
2. Increase the size – large print documents
3. Increase the viewing angle
4. Magnification by projection or electronic measures
Name the three parameter with positive effect on eyesight:
Brightness: helpful for people with night-blindness
Contrast: in case of clouding of the lens
Size: for low vison electronic zoom
Name Inserting Aids
Optical Bypass – aims on people with clouding, visual informations is recorded in front of the cornea and directly conveyed into the eye (implant into lens)
Retina Implants
Epi-retinal – easier to implant, complex pre-procession
Sub-retinal – harder to implant, simple pre-procession
Cortex Implant – simple electrodes
Replacement of eyesight
Ø Camera generates palpable image matrix
Ø Tactile Substitution – camera mounted on spectacles, electrocutane stimulator matrix on the skin
Ø Reading Aid for Black Print
Ø Optacon (Optical to tactile converter)
o Al lot of practice needed to guide the camera and recognize the characters
o Was also possible to read on curved surfaces (bottle)
o Reading speed ½ hour to 8 minutes for one page
White cane- advantage and disadvantage
Most often used aid for blind persons – optimized to convey tactile and audible information – Training of 6-12 weeks is usually required
+Simple use, cheap, existing training programmes
-Obstacles can only be recognized one step ahead, some obstacle are difficult to detect if their parts touching the ground are not hit by the cane, obstacles above knee high are often detected too late, above waist hight are not detected ( head high difficult)
Name - Types of orientation and navigation aids
Ø Obstacle detector – only indicate the mere precense of an obstacle
Ø Navigation aids – work spatially related and provide direct information about direction
Ø Environmental Sensors - also make “statements” about the type and nature of an object
New possibilities by GPS and mobile Internet:
Location fix at any time
Route planning
Access to descriptive information in the Internet
Acousstic “lighthouses”
Sound source in environment
Mark door entrances
Orientation in sports
What application fields could be attractive for using
mainstream devices + specific apps?
object identification,
• navigation,
• requesting sighted help,
• listening to audiobooks,
• reading eBooks and
• optical character recognition.
What are symbolic barriers
Rods and cones
Sensitivity of rods is ca. 2.000 times higher than that of
cones. colour perception only with sufficient lighting
possible („in the night all cats are grey“)
How to measure the visual Performance:
· Visual acuity (Visus): Snellen charts, Landolt rings
· Visual field testing
· Contrast measurement
· Color measurement: Ishihara, Anomaloscope
How to planning Routes:
· Reliable information on accessibility and trail conditions befor start of travel.
· Setting of personal abilities
· GIS (Geographic Information System)
3 Types of electrically powered wheelchairs:
· Conventional electrically powered wheelchair (joystick)
· Semi-autonomous/autonomous wheelchairs (take over steering)
· Wheelchairs moving based of marks and stored maps
Control possibilities:
· Joystick 81%
· Head or chin control 9%
· Suck/Blow control 6%
· Other 4%
Sensors for an autonomous wheelchair:
· Mechanical Sensors (bumper)
· Ultrasound sensors (distance sensors)
· Video camera with image processing
· Infrared scanner (using reflection principle)
Environmental Control Systems (ECS)
Elements of an ECS
Controlling Elements that are normally Out of React
· Man-Machine Interface (simple swipes)
· Control Unit (dedicated hardware device)
· Transmitter
· Receiver
· Target Device (remote controllable single devices)
Example of social robots
Buddy- emotional, companion robot (education, inclusion)
Blind Persons:
· Calculator with speech output
· Clock/Watches with speech output
· Light detection (small devices, check if the room light is on / indicator lights from devices)
· Color detection (ColorTest by CareTec as device(RGB analysis) or Color Say App for iPhone)
· Tape Recorder/Digital Voice Recorder
· Money Handling
o Mechanical banknote detector (CashTest(detect banknotes their size is measured))
o Electronic banknote detector ((Electronic Money Identifier) US Dollars have same size alle – that’s why we need here a detector who speech out loud)
o Apps for mobile phones to detect Banknotes (CashReader)
Devices, Hearing Impaired and Deaf Persons:
· Monitor for noise (microphones on a spectacle frame)
· Optical signaling system (flash light, for incoming telephone calls e.g.)
· Vibration alarm clock (a vibrating cushion placed under the pillow)
· Vibration for mobile devices
Devices, Motor Impaired Persons:
· Service call System (Example fuelService App, helping with refueling the car)
· Eating devices for people with hand tremor
o Shakes up to 70% less than users hand, Parkinson patients
· Eating devices for users with limited hand mobility (Reduction of unwanted movements, flexible joint)
· Makeup applicator users with limited hand/arm mobility
Describe inheritance and cominant inheritance
List four Input channels = Receptors
· Optical (vision)
· Acoustic/mechanical (hearing)
· Chemical (smelling and tasting)
· Thermal
Name four methods to measure visual perfomance:
Visual acuity (Visus):Snellen chart, Landolt rings
Visual field testing (perimetry)
Contrast measurement
Color measurement: Ishihara, Anomaloscope
Ishihara decribe
Number identifiy, red-green color defienciencies
What is Anomalscope / Color matching method
A color is presented as mixture (upper half) and a the same time as pure spectral color (lower half circle). The person should adjust the mixed color in a way that it is subjectively perceived as equal.
Characteristics of the sense of touch (compared to sight)
· Invariance of haptic perception to position change
· Occulation (objects are visible when tactile explore)
· Perspective (maximum size of an arm)
· Shadowing (resulting from straight running lights- no equivalent in haptic perception)
Main parts of an ear:
Outer ear, middle ear, inner ear
Visual disabilities - According to functionality
Level 1: Severe visual disability: Print can be used still effectively
Level 2: Functional Blindness: Vision still helpful but print can not read anymore/even large.
Level 3: Blindness on both eyes: Vision no longer of practival importance, includes fully blind people
Myopia / Hyperopia
Auditory agnosia:
Damage in the cortex can lead to forms of hearing impairment despite fully functional hearing organs.
Non-verbal auditory agnosia:
Affected person cannot recognize non-verbal sounds/noises.
Person is unable to understand speech, while the ability to
Recognize non-verbal sounds/noises is not affected.
Cortical deafness
Some sound perception may exist, but very undifferentiated,
not usefully usable
Subjective hearing sensation without objective sound source (subjective tinnitus). Objektive, actual measurable oscillations of hair cells)
Assistive Robots for Guidance/NAvigation (2 Examples)
Guide Robots
Big and heavy, only usable in barrier-free areas, substitute to guid dogs
Intelligent Rollators (e.g. WalkActive)
· Support and safety for persons
· Avoidance of collision
· Guidance along path
Name and explain three Vicariate
Sensor Vicariate: Visual stimuli connot precieved and get replaced with an tactile stimulus.
Actuator Vicariate: An actuator vicariate is effective in the direction from human to environment. (Lift something mounted arm)
Mental Vicariate: The aid takes over some „thinking“ for a person (e.g. memorizing an appointment, a medication, a path
Definiton Universal Design
"Universal Design" is the design and configuration of products and environments … such that they are usable for most people, … such that this is possible without adaptations or special configuration in some way
How to make adaptive Keyboards:
Path optimized Keyboards
Enlarged keyboards
Down-sized keyboards
Special shaped keyboards
Singel hand for Braille
Ways to speed up the selection on keyboard
“critical overscan”: accepts that the scan time for hitting the target field is actually much too short
“inverse scanning” tries to increase the likelihood of hitting target field by using 2 switches
Alternative input switches
Finger flexing switch
Tilt switch
Grasp switch
Wobble switch
BCI Conclusion
BCI is currently the only option for users without any remaining movement abilities Allows communication with CLI (Completely Locked In) patients Mostly still in experimental stage, not yet very practical in daily use, e.g. need for extensive training sessions, cap with (wet) electrodes Currently a lot of progress in BCI research and products: dry electrodes, biofeedback BCI systems (consumer market) and application of BCI for healthy users (safety in car, airplanes, …
What said Chomsky
Complexity of human Language contrdicting with easiness, as all Kids can easy require from alle Culturs.
He assumed a biological fundament “congenital Knowledge”
(Universal) principles (congenital)
(Grammatical) parameters (acquired)
Last changed12 days ago