What is an OCT?
A cross section showing the layers of the eye using low coherence interferometry
infrared light emitted - travels to an interferometer
light split into 2 using mirror - measurement beam + reference beam
(Measurement beam travels thru ocular media: absorbed/reflected back)
Both beams reflected back
Go thru detector depending on how they interact with each other ( in/out of phase)
Create OCT image
What is this?
Drusen- elevation of RPE filled with homogeneous hyper reflective material
What is this
macular star
round lesions
hyper-reflective borders
shadowing under lesion
neovascularisation of the optic disc
What are these? Name the exact type
What can cause CMO
Choroidal folds
Retinal detachment
Sub retinal fluid on oct
Lamellar Mac hole
Separation of inner foveal retina from outer retina
Epiretinal membrane
Proliferation of glial cells
What's this?
Choroidal melanoma
Choroidal Naevus
AMD -late wet
Scarring of tissue
Which condition is this indicative of?
Diabetic retinopathy
Damage to retinal vasculature
Last changed5 days ago